Calculate Commerical Solar PV in Ireland
Use our simple solar calculator to get a rough estimate of the solar panel area needed, potential electricity generation, and available SEAI grants for your business. Start your journey towards sustainable energy today!
Contact us and we'll get back to you with a quote for our solar PV design and installation service.
How To Calculate
A Simple Way to Understand Your Solar Potential
Our Commercial Solar Calculator provides a quick and easy way for businesses to gauge the benefits of installing solar panels. Here’s how it works:
1. Data Collection
We start by gathering basic information about your site’s energy usage and available roof space. This includes your annual electricity consumption, roof area, and roof type. This initial data collection helps us make an informed assessment of your solar potential.
2. Preliminary Proposal
Based on the collected data, we generate a preliminary proposal. This includes an estimate of the number of panels needed, potential solar electricity generation, and a rough cost including any eligible SEAI grants. This step helps determine if a solar PV system is a viable solution for your business before committing to a more detailed assessment.
3. Full Technical Site Survey
If the preliminary proposal looks promising, we arrange a full technical site survey. This involves a detailed inspection of your site to measure all variables and ensure that the proposed system size and layout are optimal for your specific location.
4. Official Proposal
Following the site survey, we provide a formal proposal. This detailed plan outlines the system specifications, installation process, potential energy savings, and any impact on your business operations during installation. At this stage, you can review the proposal and decide whether to proceed with the project.
Solar energy benefits
Take the Next Step with Solar Path
Our Commercial Solar Calculator is a starting point to help you understand the potential benefits of solar energy for your business. For a more detailed and customised assessment, contact Solar Path today. We’ll guide you through every step of the process, from initial evaluation to securing SEAI grants and completing the installation.
Contact us and we'll get back to you with a quote for our solar PV design and installation service.
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Experiencing the Solar Path difference - where quality meets reliability, as told by our valued customers.